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The American cockroach’s name is quite a mystery. You would think this pest got its name from where it is native, but funnily enough, American cockroaches didn’t come to America until the 17th century. We don’t know where this name originates from, so we’ll save you our speculations.
The American cockroach is the largest species of roach here in North America, but not the most common. That award goes to the German cockroach
! With that in mind, the American roach is still fairly common and incredibly problematic.
Along with its larger size, this pest roach is also durable, resistant, and smart. The roach is durable enough to withstand over 900 times their body weight in pressure, resistant in the way it can withstand radiation and most pesticides, and smart enough to know how to move throughout a property without being seen.
American cockroaches look for places to live that provide them with their three basic needs: food, water, and shelter. Inside homes, these pests find these three necessities beneath large kitchen appliances, wall voids, around leaky piping, inside kitchen pantries, and anywhere there is clutter and trash.
The most important thing to an American cockroach is that a home is accessible. The more cracks, gaps, and damage there are around the exterior of your home, the more likely they will be to invade.
Preventing American cockroaches is an often long and arduous task. If you are up for the job, here are a few great places to start:
If you do not have the time or energy to prevent American cockroaches on your own, are just looking for a simpler solution to get and keep these pests out of your home
, get the experts at Patriot Pest Management involved. We will implement advanced pest control measures around your home and support this defense with regularly scheduled service visits.
Contact our team today to learn more about our cockroach control plans
or schedule your Pleasanton, CA home for an inspection.