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People love living in big cities for many reasons, from numerous business opportunities to exciting nightlife. Sadly, pigeons are just as drawn to urban areas as their human, city-dwelling counterparts. The main reason is that cities simulate the habitat that pigeons would live in nature on top of cliffs. Yes, the tall buildings often found in the downtown areas of most cities are just shiny, modern versions of cliffs for pigeons. Also, these birds have become comfortable around large numbers of people, primarily because we are feeding them.
When pigeons make pit stops, better known as roosting, widespread destruction begins. Pigeons cause extensive damage to a variety of structures, such as:
When pigeons decide to make themselves at home on top of yours, they can do damage in a concise amount of time. Pigeon droppings are highly corrosive due to the uric acid it contains. It can discolor a structure and ruin your car’s paint, stain fabric, destroy wood, clog gutters, and short circuit electrical equipment. Also, it completely wrecks a home’s curb appeal. That’s why it’s crucial to contact professional bird control for pigeons on your property right away.
When it comes to heights, pigeons have the mentality of “the higher, the better.” All birds are attracted to heights because of the unobstructed view to search for food and water sources. The tops of homes and buildings make the best spots for pigeons to perch. The unfortunate part is that people can’t access most of the locations where pigeons congregate because they’re typically too dangerous. And unless you enjoy climbing onto your home’s roof daily to shoo pigeons away, these birds will continue to be challenging to eliminate. Take a look at the three other areas around your home where pigeons like to perch:
Pigeons are also quite fond of your window ledges and balcony railings to roost on during the day. If you’re struggling to get rid of pigeons, contact pest control for bird removal. They’re the number one option to keep these pests away from your property.
Dealing with a bird issue requires a different strategy than other pest problems. Since birds tend to nest in high places and precarious positions, it’s almost impossible to employ any method of pest control that will keep them off your property. Managing a pigeon problem is a task that you should allow professionals to handle.
At Patriot Pest Management, we offer the most effective bird control solutions for your Pleasanton property. With over 40 years in the business, we provide a thorough assessment of your situation and develop a treatment program for the most effective bird control with lasting results. Get in touch with us today and schedule your free inspection.