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There are lots of odd-looking pests here in Tracy, so identifying cockroaches is not easy. These pests have oval-shaped, flat bodies and two long antennae at a base level. All common types of cockroaches have wing pads; however, not all species fly. The three most common species in Tracy are German cockroaches, American cockroaches, and oriental cockroaches. The German cockroach is tan to brown in color, ½" to ⅝” long, and has two almost parallel black lines behind its head. The American cockroach is reddish brown in color, 1 ¼" to 2 ⅛” long, and has a yellow figure eight-shaped mark behind its head. Finally, the oriental cockroach is jet black and about an inch long.
If you are having trouble identifying what kinds of cockroaches are inside your Tracy home, consider contacting us at Patriot Pest Management to schedule a thorough inspection.
If you are facing a cockroach infestation inside your home, you have more to worry about than finding these bugs skittering under your feet. These pests are incredibly dangerous and pose several health risks to humans. The German cockroach alone can carry six parasitic worms, seven human pathogens, and 33 different kinds of bacteria. That's a lot of ways to get sick. You are most likely to contract a harmful disease by consuming contaminated food or interacting with roaches or their droppings.
Another significant problem cockroaches cause is their shed skin and dry fecal droppings. These bi-products get into the air and act like dust for people with allergies and other respiratory problems. The best way to avoid these health hazards is to deal with roach infestations quickly and implement long-term options to keep them out.
Cockroaches invade homes to find food, moisture, and shelter. Most local species find living indoors more comfortable than out in the wild. The question is, how can you make it, so your home deters these pests? One good place to start is with DIY prevention. Here are a few simple options to try today:
Where DIY prevention is simple and effective, DIY elimination is always challenging. Cockroaches love living inside your home and can withstand most kinds of aggression against their health. They are resistant to many traditional pesticides and quick to run from danger. The most effective way to address an infestation is to bring in a pest control professional. For options, you can trust, look no further than our team at Patriot Pest Management.
The absolute best way to eliminate and prevent cockroaches lies in the hands of a professional. Finding the right professional for the job is the hard part. Since you are here today, consider looking over our services. We are a local and dedicated pest control provider that uses advanced pest treatments and control methods to deal with invasive species like roaches. Let us help you identify an active infestation inside your home and offer some next steps to get and keep these annoying and potentially dangerous pests at bay.
Contact us now to discuss your options with one of our friendly service representatives. They will walk you through our services, answer your questions about cockroaches around your living areas, and find a treatment time that best suits your schedule. Let us show you why we are your best option for pest control in Tracy.