Mice are small, voracious, and prolific breeders who invade more than 21 million homes a year, so you can easily have a mouse problem without realizing it.
In fact, by the time you actually spot a mouse inside your home, you likely have a severe infestation. Mice are typically most active around dawn or dusk, but they are wary little creatures that know they are too often seen as prey, so they are not exactly keen on showing themselves when people are around.
How, then, can you tell if you have a mouse in your house? Explore the various signs.
You may spot their droppings long before you spot a mouse. Mouse droppings are typically about the size of a grain of rice, only they are brown or black in color. You will typically spot these near food sources, like your cupboards or pantry.
Sometimes, the first clue that you have a mouse infestation is through your nose: Mouse urine has a very strong smell that is described as ammonia-like, musky, or pungent. It may be particularly noticeable in small, enclosed spaces, like closets, basements, and attics. You may also detect the odor of decomposition as some of the mice die off inside your home.
Mice have incisors that never stop growing, so they gnaw constantly on just about anything they can find to keep those sharp little teeth filed down. They will also look for fibrous substances they can chew apart for nesting material. You may first realize you have a mouse infestation when you see chew marks on the edge of cabinets or on the corners of storage boxes, or you may find shredded insulation lying around.
Everybody has certain areas of their home that they use less than others, so a little dust can accumulate. If you are worried that you may have a mouse infestation, take a look at some of the dusty spots in your house to see if you see tiny paw prints from your unwelcome guests. If you do not have any dusty areas, you can lay down a thin layer of cornstarch overnight where you think they might travel and check.
Even if you can't see them, you can probably hear them. Scurrying, chittering, scratching, and chewing noises coming from behind the walls, inside your closets, or under your crawl spaces are a sure indicator that you have a rodent problem.
If the dog food bag has a hole in it, do not be in a hurry to blame your dog. Mice tend to target whatever they can get to easily, and dog food pellets are an attractive meal for the average mouse. Typically, nothing is off-limits to a mouse, but mice do prefer grain and similar items, so check your rice, flour, oats, bread, cereal boxes, and anything else that the mice can easily reach.
Also, remember that they can and will chew right through plastic or wood, so do not assume that any of your dry goods are safe.
Remember that a mouse infestation has nothing to do with cleanliness. Mice will invade trailers, apartments, and million-dollar homes with equal vigor. The faster you spot a mouse infestation, the easier it is to handle and prevent further damage.
At Patriot Pest Management Inc., we have more than 40 years of experience helping homeowners eradicate mice and other unwanted pests from their premises. Give us a call today, and we will be happy to help you reclaim your home. Let us know of any questions you have.